• Base image includes a single character and simple background (the simple background doesn't have any cost)
BUST : 60$
• The rates on the prices changes depending of the complexity on the background and the deatils on the character.
Rogue in savage land
Spooky Raven
• multiple characters on the same image cost half of the original price.
Felicia on trouble
Stellar blade
• Base price on extra variations starts with 5$ per variation• Extra variations is based on how complex the oufit is or the anatomy.
• If It's your first commission you have a 10% of disscout (only appicable on the first image).• The final image gonna be on 5k resolution.• provide details of your prefferences on the image to my email: [email protected] or to my discord: MR-pengui#7470- Gender
- pose
- eye colors
- skin
- tattoos
- clothes
- variations
- background• You will receive an advance every couple of days.• I'll send you a couple of doodles with your idea. you have to choose one then we can proceed with the invoice payment.• I'll be sending an advance every couple of days until the work is done.• don't rush me, base image takes 6 days to be finished.• The images are completely privated and I won't post on any site, at least the customer is agree, in that case I'll be posting a censored and low resoution of the image.• The image belongs to the costumer but I'm the author.• If you post on some site try to tag me or link to my site, is very helpful to me.• I don't use any kind of ai on my work.• once the work is done I don't gonna do any change without charging an extra at least I commited a mistake.
what I do ?
• I'ts obvious to say but I'm okay with NSFW content and SFW content.
• Furry is okay• bi is okay• machine girl is okay• girl & girl is okay• futa is okay• noncon is okay
• I'm okay with all kind of preferences exept for:
- child looking body ( don´t care if the character have a 1000 of year on the lore)- no guro- No scat- no vomit
• This option gives you a 40% of disscount on the final price.• To apply for the disscount you have to suscribe to the golden penguin coin on my patreon for only 10$ (click on the coin)• This options makes your commission part of the month rewards . including nsfw variations but on 2k resolution.• 5k resolution belongs to you.• The 10% of disscount on your fist commission is not available choosing this option.• The rest of the rules are the same
• Payment only via paypal.• You have to pay the 100% of the invoice once you choosed a doodle.• Fee is on you.• No refunds.• Email: [email protected]• Discord: MR-pengui#7470